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本参考文献列出了与 DOI 系统技术、标准和背景相关的更多信息。

© 国际数字对象标识符 (DOI) 基金会  •  上次更新 2012 年 4 月



Handle System®文档

词表映射框架 (VMF): 简介

Indecs™ 框架体系: "The <indecs> Metadata Framework: Principles, model and data dictionary", Godfrey Rust and Mark Bide (2000)。


ISO 26324,DOI 系统中的参考引用


ISO 26324:2012 信息与文献 — 数字对象标识符系统 (Information et documentation — Système d'identifiant numérique d'objet). ISO 26324 由 ISO/TC 46 信息与文献技术委员会和 SC 9 标识与描述分委员会共同起草。

ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2010 数字对象标识符语法。该标准的完整 PDF 文档可从 NISO 下载。


ISO 26324 的规范性参考

Unicode 协会: Unicode 标准 。使用了最新版的参考文档(包含所有修订)。


ISO 26324 的其他参考引用

互联网工程任务组。RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. January 2005。

互联网工程任务组。RFC 4452, The "info" URI Scheme for Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespaces。

ISO/TC46/SC9 N417, Use cases for interoperability of ISO TC46/SC9 identifiers: background information for agenda item 9.7 of the ISO TC46/SC9 meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand。


其他 ISO TC46/SC9 标准

ISO 2108, 信息与文献 — 国际标准图书编号 (ISBN)

ISO 3297, 信息与文献 — 国际标准期刊编号 (ISSN)

ISO 3901, 信息与文献 — 国际标准记录码(ISRC)

ISO 15706-1, 信息与文献 — 国际标准音视频编号 (ISAN) — 第一部分: 音视频作品标识符

ISO 15707, 信息与文献 — 国际标准音乐作品编码 (ISWC)

ISO/IEC 10646:2003, 信息技术 — 通用多字节编码字符集 (UCS)

ISO/IEC 21000-6, Information technology — 多媒体框架 (MPEG-21) — 第六部分: 版权数据字典

ISO 21047, 信息与文献 — 国际标准文本编码 (ISTC)

ISO 27729, 信息与文献 — 国际标准名称标识符 (ISNI)

ISO 27730, 信息与文献 — 国际标准集合标识符 (ISCI)



Robert E. Kahn & Robert Wilensky. "A Framework for Distributed Digital Object Services" (May 1995) hdl:4263537/5001. 重新发表在 International Journal on Digital Libraries, (2006) 6(2): 115-123. doi:10.1007/s00799-005-0128-x, 单击这里获取出版社许可,进行转载。

Rust, Godfrey. "Metadata: The Right Approach. An Integrated Model for Descriptive and Rights Metadata in E-commerce". D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 7/8 (July/August 1998) doi:10.1045/july98-rust.

Green, Brian & Bide, Mark. "Unique Identifiers: a brief introduction". Book Industry Communication/EDItEUR (February 1999).

Paskin, Norman. "Toward Unique Identifiers". Proceedings of the IEEE, 87:7 (July 1999) pp. 1208-1227.

Kahn, Robert E. & Cerf, Vinton G. "What is the Internet (And What makes it Work)?". (December 1999). 为互联网政策机构准备的文件副本。

Paskin, Norman; "Towards a Rights Data Dictionary - Identifiers and Semantics at work on the net"; imi insights; EPS Ltd (June 2002).

Paskin, Norman. "On Making and Identifying a 'Copy'". D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January 2003) doi:10.1045/january2003-paskin.

"DOI: Starting a new generation" by David Worlock. EPS Update (8 May 2003) 授权转载。

Paskin, Norman. "DOI: a 2003 Progress Report". D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 6 (June 2003) doi:10.1045/june2003-paskin.

Steve Sieck. "Not your Father's DOI: New Applications Show Wider Promise" . EPS Insights (1 July 2003) 授权转载.

Dyson, Esther. "Online Registries: The DNS and Beyond...", Release 1.0, Esther Dyson's Monthly Report (September 2003).

"OECD: Pursuing the Advantages of Persistent Identity" by David Worlock. 请标明从 EPS Insights 转载, (22 October 2003).

Paskin, Norman. "Components of DRM Systems: Identification and Metadata", in E. Becker et al (eds) "Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal, and Political Aspects in the European Union" 系列 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Ver,m,mm,lag (2003) pp. 26-61.

Bide, Mark; "Rights metadata: Standards at last?"; imi insights; EPS Ltd. (2005).

NISO: Digital Identifiers Roundtable: report on Recommendations and Findings (March 13-14, 2006).

Paskin, N. "Identifier Interoperability: A Report on Two Recent ISO Activities". D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 4 (April 2006), doi:10.1045/april2006-paskin.

CNRI CEO Bob Kahn 访谈. "A different kind of Internet" by Wyatt Kash, Government Computer News (GCN) (May 14, 2009).

G.M. Garrity, L.M. Thompson, D.W. Ussery, N. Paskin, D. Baker, P. Desmeth, D.E. Schindel and P.S. Ong, Study on the Identification, Tracking and Monitoring of Genetic Resources, Convention on Biological Diversity, WG ABS 8, 9 - 15 November 2009, 尤其参照 Persistent Identifiers, pp. 53 - 88.

"The Formation of CrossRef", a Short History, 1999-2009.

Paskin, Norman, "Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System", Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 3rd Edition, 1:1, pp. 1586-1592, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-8493-9712-7. (注: 本文可用于科研、教学和个人学习的目的。由出版商授权转载至本网站,但不得再次转载。单击这里获取全部公开访问 DOI 文章。)


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