
DOI Registration Agencies


Current Registration Agencies are listed below, with links to the organizations for requesting more information. New Registration Agencies are being added, and suggestions for additional sector coverage are welcome.

See also a chart showing the areas of coverage provided by each RA, and some examples of services provided by several of the RAs.

Airiti Logo Crossref logo
Airiti, Inc.Crossref
CNKI LOGO datacite
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)DataCite
EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry)ISTIC & Wanfang Data (The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China & Wanfang Data Co., Ltd.)
JaLC Logo kisti
JaLC (Japan Link Center) Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)
mEDRA Logo OP Logo
mEDRA (Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency)OP (Publications Office of the European Union)
BSI Identify

The primary role of Registration Agencies (RAs) is to provide services to Registrants — allocating DOI name prefixes, registering DOI names and providing the necessary infrastructure to allow Registrants to declare and maintain metadata and state data. This service is expected to encompass quality assurance measures, so that the integrity of the DOI system as a whole is maintained at the highest possible level (delivering reliable and consistent results to users). This includes ensuring that state data is accurate and up-to-date and that metadata is consistent and complies with both DOI system Kernel and appropriate Application Profile standards.

DOI_disc_logo ®, DOI®, DOI.ORG®, and shortDOI® are trademarks of the International DOI Foundation.