
These factsheets are concise summaries of key issues of concern to the DOI® system user community.

Key Facts on Digital Object Identifier System

Covering status, scope, origin and purpose of the DOI system; governance and business model; technical infrastructure and intellectual property considerations.

Designing DOI Applications

Providing notes and suggestions on common issues encountered in thinking about how the DOI system can be applied.

DOI® System and Internet Identifier Specifications

The DOI System has been developed to ensure conformance with relevant generic external formal standards which are relevant in the Internet communities (IETF and W3C), including URI and URN.

Identifier Interoperability

A discussion of facilitating preservation, re-use and exchange of digital information to enable users to re-use identifiers (and their associated data) across different applications. Interoperability encompasses the technical aspects and also consideration of the purpose and community of use of the identifiers.

The indecs Framework

The DOI System uses work based on the indecs Framework as the basis for its semantic interoperability model. indecs provided an analysis of the requirements for metadata for e-commerce of intellectual property in the network environment.

DOI System and Standard Identifier Schemes

A discussion of the relationship between the DOI system and other registries of identifiers, which are compilations of unique identifiers that have information on each item registered through an organization which maintains it.

DOI System and the Handle System

The DOI system is an implementation of the Handle System, which was chosen because it matched the resolution requirements identified for the DOI concept.

DOI Resolution Documentation

Technical discussion for software developers on resolving handles using the Proxy Server System, encoding handles for use in URIs, Proxy Server query parameters and the Proxy Server REST API.

DOI System and the ISBN System

The ISBN-A ("the actionable ISBN") is a service powered by DOI, in which an existing ISBN is expressed in the DOI System.

DOI System and Persistent URLs (PURLs)

A comparison of DOI names and PURLs, highlighting the differences in basic technology and user services.

DOI System and OpenURL

A discussion of how OpenURL can be used with the DOI system.

DOI Foundation and Topics

The DOI Foundation is actively opting out of the cohort calculations which enable Google-designed technologies known as Topics, formerly known as Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC).

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