[ Reprinted with permission, Electronic Publishing Services Ltd ]
 EPS Update Note: 16 November 2001
 On the web at http://www.epsltd.com/UpdateNotes/Today.htm
 * The International DOI Foundation's agreement with Learning
 Objects Network last month was testament to publishers'
 determination not to be blocked out of e-learning metadata
 Learning Objects Network is one of the key infrastructure
 players in the management of learning objects business.  As
 such, it is hard at work on one sector of the huge project for
 Advanced Distributed Learning, inspired and led by the US
 Department of Defense.  It is this project which has spawned
 SCORM (the Shareable Content Object Reference Model) and which
 is engaged with the IMS Global Learning Consortium club of
 content providers to drive standards in searchability for
 digital distance learning.  Though there are many publishers
 involved in the IMS process - Pearson, Thomson and McGraw-Hill,
 for example - there is an increasing danger that metadata
 standards will emerge in vertical sectors without integration or
 cross-searchability, even where there is common participation.
 For the publishing community this would be a disaster, since it
 depends more than anyone else upon the interoperability of
 metadata standards to give users seamless access to their
 content, regardless of their chosen route into it or their
 governing interface.
 The DOI Foundation's expedient way of collaborating with the
 e-learning community is to make Learning Objects Network (LON) a
 DOI Registration Agency.  In this way, LON will be able to
 register Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for use in the
 management of learning objects.  It will also be able to provide
 a bridgework between SCORM and the increasingly prevalent - and
 thus valuable - publishing standard created by the Online
 Information Exchange (ONIX).  Working with Sun Microsystems and
 the content management house Artesia (formerly the Thomson TEAMS
 business unit), LON is now building out its own network of
 distributed learning object repositories for the Department of
 Defense.  The fact that these will now be DOI and ONIX-enabled
 should be very satisfying for publishers.
 If this means a deal at just about the right time, it certainly
 does not mean that the pressure is off DOI and its publisher
 backers.  Indeed, the latter probably need to increase their
 efforts - and DOI funding - if the risk of Open Archival
 Information System (OAIS) becoming the archival standard for
 academic research article retrieval is to be contained.  Going
 widely into related metadata standards is surely a good strategy
 in these circumstances, but publishers must be aware of the fact
 that they are not setting the pace or controlling events in
 setting the parameters which will decide how visible and usable
 their content will be in a networked society.
 by David Worlock (drw@epsltd.com)
 DOI: http://www.doi.org
 Learning Objects Network: http://www.learningobjectsnetwork.com
 Advanced Distributed Learning: http://www.adlnet.org
 US Department of Defense: http://www.defenselink.mil
 SCORM: http://www.adlnet.org/scorm/scorm.cfm
 IMS Global Learning Consortium: http://www.imsproject.org
 Pearson: http://www.pearson.com
 Thomson: http://www.thomson.com
 McGraw-Hill: http://www.mcgraw-hill.com
 Online Information Exchange: http://www.editeur.org/onix.html
 Sun Microsystems: http://www.sun.com
 Artesia: http://www.artesiatech.com
 Learnframe: learning solutions reach beyond a Pinnacle - EPS
 Update Note 8 November 2001
 DOI-EB: Metadata is the critical bridge - EPS Update Note 20
 March 2001
 Identification and e-books: can the DOI solve the conundrum? -
 imi March 2001
 Wednesday, 21 November, City Conference Centre, 80 Coleman
 Street, London EC2R 5BJ
 Chair: Keith Silver, Academic Press
 The journal article is the unit of scientific communication -
 and electronic delivery whether by intermediaries or publishers
 makes it easy for readers to identify and acquire individual
 articles. Publishers have been understandably nervous about the
 possible effect on subscriptions, although recent studies seem
 to indicate these fears to be unfounded. This full day seminar
 will examine the effect of this profound change in patterns of
 information acquisition.
 Speakers include: David Brown; Petra Lebriga, Fred Friend,
 Kathryn Toledano and Fytton Rowland.
 Further information at www.alpsp.org/s211101.htm
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