DOI® System Tools
System tools, browser widgets and plug-ins, and a variety of other types of tools that offer services using DOI names are available, with more under development. These tools are intended to facilitate the use of the DOI System by end users. This page lists some of them. Browser tools in particular change rapidly, making it difficult to maintain a complete list. A query using any search service will find others that are not included on this list. Comments and suggestions for additions to this page can be sent to contact@doi.org.
System Tools |
Description |
Handle System |
The DOI System utilises the Handle System (managed by the DONA Foundation), which provides a general-purpose global name service enabling secure name resolution over the Internet, as one component in building an added value application, for the persistent, semantically interoperable, identification of intellectual property entities.
DOI Data Model |
The IDF maintains the DOI System data model which consists of a data dictionary and a framework for applying it. Together these provide tools for defining what a DOI name specifies and how DOI names relate to each other, resulting in semantic interoperability that enables information that originates in one context to be used in another in ways that are as highly automated as possible.
Browser Tools |
Description |
Google Chrome DOI Resolver |
A free extension by Matthew D. Mower (MDMower) for Google's Chrome Web Browser that resolves DOI names and shortDOIs to their URLs via an extension button, by right-clicking on selected text, and via the Chrome Omnibox function. After installing the Chrome browser, search the Extensions for "DOI Resolver". Additional features include the ability to generate QR codes which can be scanned by smart phones to share a publication; automatically convert DOI codes on web pages into links (optional setting); specify your own DOI resolver URL (useful if your institution provides a proxy service); and generate formatted citations for publications.
Mendeley |
Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network, developed by Elsevier, that helps you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. It analyses PDFs to locate metadata author names, titles, and other document details including identifiers such as DOI names in the files. Mendeley Web also queries online sources such as arXiv, PubMed, and Crossref for additional data.
Zotero |
A project of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, Zotero is a free browser extension that "automatically senses content in your web browser, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click". DOIs are resolved to assist users in finding and collecting metadata for sources in support of their research via a single, searchable interface. It is designed to help users collect, organize, cite, and share their research sources.
OpenDOI: A doi: and hdl: resolver for MacOS X |
OpenDOI, an application by Brian de Alwis adds support for resolving URNs of the form 'doi:string' and 'hdl:string' for users of MacOS X. It is based on an AppleScript that redirects those URNs to a proxy server, either http://dx.doi.org or http://hdl.handle.net respectively. The author states that this tool is in the public domain.
Other Tools |
Description |
shortDOI Service |
The IDF runs two services based on handles: the DOI Service, and the shortDOI Service. The shortDOI Service is a public service, open to anyone, that creates shortcuts to DOI names, which are often very long strings. (Note that shortDOIs are not themselves DOI names.) The service creates short handles of the form '10/abcde' and enables short HTTP URIs of the form 'http://doi.org/abcde' that are ideal for use in email, blogs, mobile messaging and more.
ONIX DOI Name Registration Formats |
EDItEUR has developed a collection of DOI name registration formats allowing publishers and others to communicate the metadata required by an RA in order to record the assignment of a DOI name. The formats allow a DOI name to be assigned at "work" or "manifestation" level, to whole monographs, chapters or parts of monographs, serials, serial issues, or serial contributions.
Crossref OpenURL Resolver |
Crossref's OpenURL resolver, functioning as a DOI name look-up resource for the public, accepts URLs sent to http://www.crossref.org/ structured according to the 0.1 or 1.0 NISO specification (and some common deviations) and offers users another way to be directed to publications identified by DOI names.