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DOI News ArchiveNote that this list is an archive of material published by the International DOI Foundation that is no longer being actively maintained or reviewed. This is list for reference only. Older documents in the list may contain links that are no longer active. DOI® News Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI System ISO Standard published", "DOI Handbook and web site updated", "New DOI Registration Agency appointed in Japan", "IDF Expands Chinese Registration Agency Activities", "Linked Content Coalition Launch, "Red Bee Media signs up to the Entertainment Identifier Registry", "DOI/Handle System cited as "a powerful system architecture that can be applied to a variety of situations". DOI® News Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI System exceeds 50 million assigned identifiers ", "DOI System and Linked Data ", "Revised DOI charging model. DOI® News Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI System approved as an International Standard ", "DOI adopted by entertainment industry initiative ", "DOI and ISBN collaboration. DOI® News Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI for Datasets: DataCite Summer Meeting 2010 ", "International DOI Foundation Annual Meeting 2010 ", "DOI System Moves to Final ISO Standardization, DOI-based Tool for Taxonomy, and International DOI Foundation Launches shortDOI Service. DOI® News
June 2009 Topics covered in this news release are:
"Launch of Vocabulary Mapping Framework
", "Registration open for 2009 IDF Open Meeting: "Ensuring Persistence"
", "IDF partners in Europeana, and New publications on DOI System.
DOI® News
March 2009 Topics covered in this news release are:
"European initiative launched to facilitate access to research data", "Launch of "Actionable ISBN" using DOI System", and "2009 IDF Open Meeting: "Ensuring Persistence".
DOI® News
June 2008 Topics covered in this news release are:
"ISO standard on the DOI System: Update", "Presentations from IDF Annual Meetings 2008", "Recent DOI Tools" and "Overview article on the DOI System: Revised".
DOI® News
December 2007 Topics covered in this news release are:
"ISO standard on the DOI System", "IDF Annual Meetings 2008", "Standards to be linked using DOI System" and "Latest DOI Tools".
DOI® News
July 2007 Topics covered in this news release are:
"Innovative uses of the DOI System", "International DOI Foundation participating in BISG study group", "International DOI Foundation joins ACAP" and "Recent technology interviews about the DOI System".
DOI® News
March 2007 Topics covered in this news release are:
"Chinese DOI Agency launched", "DOI Foundation participating in licensing standard activities", and "IDF meetings to be held in June".
DOI® News
July 2006 Topics covered in this news release are:
"Presentations available from "Digital objects and the management of information" seminar ", "MVB and MEDRA partner to extend DOI registration in German language areas", "CrossRef surpasses 20 million DOI® names", and
"CrossRef register over half a million book DOI® names".
IDF Press Release, April 17, 2006
ISO/IEC 21000-6 (MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary) launched "The International DOI Foundation announces the launch of the web site for the MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary (RDD). This dictionary provides the basis for a resource to create widely understood, consistent meaning for Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems and other systems requiring semantic interoperability of terms."
DOI® News
April 2006 Topics covered in this news release are:
"ISO/IEC 21000-6 (MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary) launched",
"Identifier interoperability: A report on two recent ISO activities", and
"CrossRef launches free-text service to find DOI names".
IDF Press Release, March 19, 2006
International DOI Foundation announces launch of Chinese Registration Agency "The International DOI Foundation and Wanfang Data, an affiliate of the Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, have announced the launch of a Chinese DOI Registration Agency with immediate effect."
DOI® News
November 2005 Topics covered in this news release are:
"IDF restructures, consolidates number of Registration Agencies",
"Handle System inventor receives prestigious awards",
"ALPSP Awards for Publishing Innovation features DOI® system-based services", and
"Availability and Persistence of Web References".
IDF News Release, November 14, 2005
International DOI Foundation and CDI agree a constructive dis-engagement of CDI from the IDF "This agreement recognizes a maturation of the marketplace with emerging different business models, and demonstrates the commitment made by the IDF to ensure that DOI names are persistent even with changes in registration agency and management."
DOI® News
September 2005 Topics covered in this news release are: "IDF mandates social infrastructure to ensure persistence",
"IDF develops policy commitment on patents",
"CrossRef deploys OpenURL resolver",
"Connotea can now bookmark DOIs natively",
"DOI names and Deeplinked E-Reserves: Innovative Links for the Future", and
"Seminar on Electronic publishing, Digital archiving and Licensing".
IDF Press Release, September 2005
International DOI Foundation adopts policy on patents to foster wide distribution and use of DOI names "The International DOI Foundation has adopted a Patent Policy covering the rights and obligations of Registration Agencies, following completion of its Strategic Review and approval at the 2005 members' meeting."
DOI® News
June 2005 Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI names for Science Data -- latest developments",
"MarketLinks: 'Bringing the DOI system into the book publishing mainstream'",
"digilibri: DOI names for image content",
"Annual IDF Members' meeting: 'Value added'",
"IDF participates in Internet governance forum", and
"Handle System available for Grid applications".
IDF Press Release, 4 May 2005
New DOI system Registration Agency for scientific data appointed: 1,500,000 datasets to be registered by end of 2005 "The International DOI Foundation is now pleased to announce ... the appointment of TIB as a full Registration Agency. Approximately 1,500,000 datasets are expected to be registered by TIB by the end of 2005, and the registration of primary data will be widened to other science fields in 2006."
DOI® News
April 2005 Topics covered in this news release are: "New agency: DOI names for scientific data", "DOI system and Google",
"Revision of NISO standard: DOI system Syntax",
"IDF appointed as Registration Authority for MPEG Data Dictionary",
"IDF announces strategic review", and
"DOI system and license terms: ONIX".
IDF News Release, 1 December 2004
Publications Office set to deliver more focused service becoming a Registration Agency for Digital Object identifiers "The Director of the European Union Publications Office, Mr. Thomas L. Cranfield, and the Director of the International DOI Foundation, Dr. Norman Paskin, signed an official agreement today, December 1st 2004, confirming the Publications Office of the European Union as a Registration Agency for the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system."
DOI News
November 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "DOI System on track to become an ISO standard";
"OECD's StatLink solution using DOIs for tables of data"; "DOI and license and rights terms"; "DOIs for scientific data - expanding uses".
DOI News
October 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "IDF re-affirms DOI as an open specification";
"National Libraries now represented on IDF Board"; "White Paper on business case for DOIs in Content Distribution"; "DOI in use with RSS Newsfeeds".
DOI News
August 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "DOIs to be assigned to all European Union Publications";
"International publishers call for adoption of DOI"; "New pricing model with free assignment of DOIs"; "New DOI applications"; "New DOI presentations available ".
IDF News Release, 2 August 2004
DOIs to be assigned to all European Union Publications "The International DOI Foundation has announced the appointment of The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) as a DOI Registration Agency. Through OPOCE, DOIs will now be assigned for some 62 EU bodies (institutions, offices, agencies and other bodies)."
DOI News
June 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "Wide range of support for MPEG digital rights management activities"; "CrossRef launches pilot CrossRef Search, powered by DOI and Google"; "OpenURL implementation highlights growing value of DOI"; "CENDI Releases Persistent Identifier White Paper"
DOI News
March 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "R. R. Bowker appointed as DOI Registration Agency"; "DOI Foundation recommended as MPEG RDD authority"; "New DOI applications"; "Focus Report 'DOI in 2004' published"; and "DOI factsheets on numbering and data dictionaries available".
IDF Press Release, 1 March 2004
R. R. Bowker appointed a DOI Registration Agency "Later this year, R. R. Bowker will begin to offer DOI based services that have direct benefits in online marketing and product development, digital rights management, and supply chain management." (PDF)
IDF Press Release, 26 February 2004
TSO Launches First UK Portal To Allocate "Digital Identifiers" TSO (The Stationery Office), has launched the first ever UK Digital Object Identifier (DOI) portal to purchase DOIs online at www.tsoid.co.uk.
IDF Press Release, 7 February 2004
CDI Announces New Product: The MultiLink Syndicator CDI's MultiLink Syndicator provides an easy way to distribute your DOIs to your customers so that they can place the DOIs on their own websites with the CDI MultiLink capability automatically enabled.
DOI News
February 2004 Topics covered in this news release are: "Nielsen BookData appointed as DOI Registration Agency"; "Analysis of economic benefits of DOI published"; "DOI and Handle: Factsheet Launched"; and "Other News".
IDF Press Release, 1 February 2004
Nielsen BookData appointed as DOI Registration Agency "Nielsen BookData will begin to offer from later this year DOI based services for publications and other resources from publishers and other content providers for use in education, training and leisure; and for metadata collection for resource discovery, and for the support of ordering and market analysis services." (PDF)
DOI News
December 2003
Topics covered in this news release are: "OECD to use DOIs"; "43 National Libraries now participate in DOI Foundation"; "Knowledge Resource Center uses DOIs"; "Persistent Citations".
"DOI: a 2003 Progress Report" has been published in the June 2003 issue of D-Lib Magazine. (There is a Korean translation of this report, published by the National Library of Korea, in Autumn 2003.) Publication
"Components of DRM Systems: Identification and Metadata" by Norman Paskin, in E. Becker et al (eds) "Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal, and Political Aspects in the European Union" in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer-Verlag, 2003) pp. 26-61. (PDF)
IDF Press Release, December 2003
LON Implements Knowledge Resource Center for Office of Secretary of Defense "Learning Objects Network (LON) in concert with IVISpsc, has developed and implemented an online Knowledge Resource Center (KRC) for the Washington Headquarters Services of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. This resource center is designed to enhance career development and job performance by providing convenient access to online course material, journal articles, and other digital training and performance support resources for middle and senior management."
IDF Press Release, November 2003
National Library Participation in DOI Foundation Extends to 41 Countries Through CENL "...the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) agreed to transfer the International DOI Foundation membership of the existing informal consortium of three national libraries (British, German, and Netherlands) to CENL. This extends the scope of the participation in the International DOI Foundation to 43 library members from 41 European countries."
DOI News
October 2003 Topics covered in this news release are: "DOIs to be used to identify scientific data"; "DOI to be used in Australian custom-publishing project"; "Technology endorsements: DOI and Internet registries"; "Customer endorsements: Dept. of Defense".
IDF Press Release, September 2003
DOIs to Be Assigned to Scientific Data "The International DOI Foundation ... [welcomes] a new member, the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), the world's largest library of science and technology. TIB is to act as IDF contact for a major project, initially of one year duration from 1 October, made possible by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), which will implement the use of DOIs to persistently identify scientific data sets."
DOI News
August 2003 "In August 2003, the ten millionth Digital Object Identifier was assigned, marking another milestone in the evolution of the DOI System. "
IDF Press Release, August 2003
Snapshots International and Content Directions, Inc. Assign DOIs to Market Research Reports "Snapshots International, a leading global provider of market research covering a wide range of countries and industries, and Content Directions, Inc. (CDI), the first commercial DOI Registration Agency, today announced the signing of a comprehensive agreement to register DOIs for Snapshots' entire collection of market research reports."
DOI News
July 2003 Topics covered in this news release are: DOI Progress Report; mEDRA Launched; TSO Assigns DOIs to UK Official Publications; EU OPOCE Announces Intention to Use DOIs; DTIC Joins IDF
IDF Press Release, July 2003
UK Official Publications - UKOP Becomes DOI Enabled "TSO (The Stationery Office), the first Registration Agency for Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the UK, has just applied DOIs to the entire UKOP (UK Official Publications) database, creating a new and multi linking capability for improved resource discovery and information citation."
IDF Press Release, June 2003
DOI Registration Agency MEDRA to be launched in Italy, Germany, France and Spain "MEDRA, the Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency, will become a DOI Registration Agency with effect from July 1 2003, whilst the launch of the first release of the system is planned for November 2003. MEDRA will be a company backed by the five partner
organisations of the original MEDRA project: AIE, the Italian Publishers Association (coordinator);
MVB - a company of the German publishers association, the ISBN agency for
German language; SNE - French Publishers Association; Editrain - Spanish publishing
services company; and CINECA - Italian technology provider, a consortium of 18 Italian
DOI News, May 2003
New Edition of DOI Handbook The International DOI Foundation (IDF) announces completion of DOI advanced applications: "The DOI Handbook has been released in a new edition (3.0) which now fully describes how to create applications providing extensible DOI services through multiple resolution and the DOI metadata system."
IDF Press Release, April 2003
National Libraries Join International DOI Foundation "The International DOI Foundation (IDF) announces that an informal consortium of three major national libraries -- The British Library (UK), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Germany) and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Netherlands) -- has joined the International DOI Foundation."
IDF Press Release, April 2003
Common Dictionary for DOI and ONIX Metadata "The International DOI Foundation (IDF) and EDItEUR (the International Group for electronic commerce in the book and serial sectors) announce their intention of continuing the work announced last year towards ONIX and DOI metadata harmonisation, through the development of a common data dictionary."
DOI News, March 2003
DOI tools; Metadata interoperability: DOI signs metadata agreement; DOI develops advanced functionality, common metadata tools; DOI applications continue to flourish "A number of tools to help in using DOIs are now available..... The International DOI Foundation has joined several other major standards activities in committing to assign URI identifiers to all metadata elements it uses..... A number of demonstrations have shown the power of the multiple resolution functionality of DOIs."
DOI News, September 2002
TSO Appointed as DOI Registration Agency; MEDRA project initiated; MPEG Rights Data Dictionary standard finalised "With the introduction of DOIs [by The Stationery Office] fundamental information management problems in the UK official sector can now be overcome, enabling all identifier types to be linked and metadata to be systematically organised across distributed digital environments... A multi-million Euro project funded by the European Commission to create a multi-application Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency (EDRA) is now underway... The ISO MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary, which complements the indecs approach used as the basis of the DOI metadata, was completed on 9 August 2002."
IDF Press Release, 13 September 2002
TSO Appointed as DOI Registration Agency "...For the past 30 years TSO has operated as the de facto bibliographer for the UK Government in the printed word -- issuing 13,000 ISBNs per annum and maintaining inventory and metadata describing over a quarter of a million official documents and reports, available through its online bookstore and traditional delivery infrastructure. With the introduction of DOIs into the UK official sector, fundamental information management problems can now be overcome enabling all identifier types to be linked and metadata to be systematically organised across distributed digital environments..."
DOI News, July/August 2002
DOI Plug-in Demonstrated; Corbis and Content Directions Partner on DOIs for Images; DOI Participating in Interparty; DOIs for Enterprise Content Integration; Latest Members At the recent International DOI Foundation Annual Members' Meeting the IDF demonstrated advanced DOI functionality with the release of a simple plug-in which can be customised to deliver numerous applications with Adobe products such as pdf files... Corbis and Content Directions Inc. are partnering to produce a new, innovative system for viewing, licensing and enabling protection of digital images on the Internet... IDF is participating in Interparty, an EC project to design and specify a framework for the unique identification of parties in the intellectual property e-commerce chain... GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies and Content Directions, Inc. have released a white paper quantifying the business benefits for information publishers of implementing the DOI to facilitate internal content management and to enable faster, more scalable product development.... The International DOI Foundation's latest member is TSO (The Stationery Office, http://www.tso.co.uk/), the UK's leading provider of information management services.....
DOI News, May/June 2002
Further DOI Registration Agencies announced; Adobe plug-in to demonstrate DOI added functionality Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) joins a widening list of DOI Agencies demonstrating the practical value of DOI applications internationally...
...and the International DOI Foundation is developing a prototype of advanced DOI functionality which will be completed by July 2002. This shows the combined power of the DOI's features, multiple resolution and Application Profiles used to inform client software of available services for a given DOI. At least some of those clients will be specific to Adobe products and will leverage the use of Adobe's embedded metadata technology, XMP.
IDF Press Release, April 2002
Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) Appointed as Digital Object Identifier Registration Agency The International DOI Foundation (IDF) has announced the appointment of Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) as a DOI Registration Agency in Australia. CAL will use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) -- a system used for identifying, tracking and communicating on-line digital content -- to facilitate and manage access to a range of digital content.
IDF Press Release, March 2002
EDItEUR and IDF announce collaboration and work towards ONIX and DOI harmonisation At the ONIX International Steering Committee meeting at the London Book Fair on March 18, EDItEUR and the International DOI Foundation (IDF) announced their intention to ensure that users of ONIX and DOI will be able to easily achieve interoperability.
DOI Service Announcement 01-02, January 2002
DOI Numbers Increase; Consortium DRM Standard Approved by MPEG; DOI Business Development Workshops Announced Covering current DOI Status, the adoption of <indecs>2rdd as MPEG-21 baseline technology, and the scheduling of DOI business development workshops.
DOI Service Announcement 11-01, November 2001
Consortium to Develop DRM Standard; Fourth DOI Agency Approved; Commercial DOI Implementations Unveiled Covering the < indecs > 2RDD Project; the
appointment of Learning Objects Network, Inc. as the 4th DOI Registration Agency; and commercial DOI implementations announced at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
IDF Press Release, October 18, 2001
Learning Objects Network, Inc. Appointed as a Digital Object Identifier Registration Agency The International DOI Foundation (IDF) has
announced the appointment of Learning Objects Network, Inc. (LON) as a DOI Registration Agency.
LON intends to register DOIs for use in the management of learning objects, and is currently
working with a number of partners in a development project for Advanced Distributed Learning
for the U.S. Department of Defense and others.
IDF Press Release, October 10, 2001
The DOI Promise Delivered: Three DOI Registration Agencies Demonstrate: How to Commercially Implement the DOI to Trade and Sell Digital Intellectual Property and Protect Copyright at the Frankfurt Book Fair. (English or Deutsch) The Digital Object Identifier presentation demonstrated how publishers can use a DOI to
control, trade and sell their content electronically while protecting copyright. This
year's event marks the delivery of commercial implementations and the unveiling of
demonstrations from the three initial DOI Registration Agencies -- CrossRef (USA), Content
Directions (USA) and Enpia Systems (Korea). This event marked a milestone for the trading
of electronic intellectual property for all the content industries, initiated by publishers.
IDF Press Release, October 1, 2001
IDF Participates in Consortium for DRM Standards: IDF is Founding Sponsor of the < indecs> 2RDD Project. The < indecs >2RDD Consortium today announced the appointment
of Rightscom, the digital rights strategy consultancy, to be project managers of the < indecs >2RDD project, which is sponsored by some leading industry players. The Rights Data Dictionary will provide a key part of the architecture required to develop a digital rights management (DRM) standard.
IDF Press Release, September 26, 2001
Frankfurt Unveiling of "How To" Commercially Implement DOI Frankfurt Book Fair (October 10, 2001 9:30-12:00 PM Europa Room, Hall 4.0)
"DOI Registration Agencies -- CrossRef (USA), Content Directions (USA) and Enpia Systems
(Korea) will unveil services that enable publishers to commercially exploit digital
intellectual property in a legal, controllable, and easy to manage way. "
IDF Press Release, August 7, 2001
Sharing Information: Building Global Infrastructure for the Media Industries. "Information exchange between the media industries was underlined at the recent Annual IDF Meeting (sponsored by Hewlett Packard), where organizations from the publishing, music, television, library and technology industries gathered to share information on development of policy and technical infrastructure for digital copyright management."
IDF Press Release, July 11, 2001
IDF and cIDF Announce Aim of Collaboration "The International DOI Foundation (IDF: UK, Switzerland, US) and the Content ID Forum (cIDf: Japan) announce their intention to undertake discussions with a view to seeking harmonization of their work on identifiers for content in the digital environment."
IDF Press Release, May 29, 2001
DOI Milestone Achieved: Freeware Tools for Intellectual Property Management and USA & Korean eBook Registration Agencies Appointed
"The International DOI Foundation (IDF) announced the release of tools to enable linking content to multiple resources on the Internet. The underlying feature of the DOI System, Multiple Resolution, is demonstrated below. This development is key to building commercial applications based on the DOI System to manage intellectual property."
"The International DOI Foundation appointed Content Directions and Enpia Systems to become DOI Registration Agencies (RAs) to serve the ebook marketplace. Both companies ... are developing business models in concert with standards organizations, content producers and service providers in the DOI Registration Agency Working Group."
IDF Press Release, April 17, 2001
IDF Funds Study of Multimedia Intellectual Property Rights
"The International DOI Foundation (IDF) is funding a feasibility study for the development of a Rights Data Dictionary (RDD), a common dictionary or vocabulary for intellectual property rights. The aim of the development will be to propose standard rights terms to enable the exchange of key information between content industries for ecommerce trading of intellectual property rights."
IDF Press Release, February 26, 2001
IDF Announces Key Personnel Appointments: Cross Media Recognition of Intellectual Property Identifier & eBook Developments Spur Hiring
"The International Digital Object Identifier Foundation (IDF) announced today the appointments of Stephen Mooney, Business Development Director, Eamonn Neylon, Operations Director, and Jacqueline LeDonne, Marketing Director. The appointments come as the DOI increases involvement with key standards and development bodies including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and shortly after the Association of American Publishers (AAP) recommendation for DOI application to e-books in the recent Accenture study."
IDF Press Release, November 27, 2000
DOI for eBooks
"The International DOI Foundation welcomes the publication of the AAP/Andersen Consulting Report that recommends the adoption of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) as the primary identification system for eBooks."
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